Dil Ka Hujra Saaf Kar Jaan Ke aane ke liye

Hymn of Tulsi Sahib (From Hathras)

Tulsi Sahib was  famous saint from UP (Hathras) well-known for his work Ghat Ramayan. He was born in 1763 AD and expired at the age of 80. Tulsi Saheb was none other than Amrit Rao, the grandson of Peshwa Baji Rao I. Peshwa Baji Rao II was Amrit Rao’s brother by adoption. For better understanding Maharaj Charan Singh Ji had done satsang in Punjabi - satsang title is Dil Ka hujra Saaf Kara, One can listen that too; This Hymn Tulsi sabib has written for one Sheikh who was coming back from kaba and fortunately sheikh met with Tulsi Sahib and Tulsi Sahib wrote this hymn to make him understand about God and was telling him that what Mohammed Sahib has written in Kuran that to reach lord the path is only meditation.

Dil ka hujra (1) saf kar, jana ke ane ke liye,
Dhyan gairo ka utha uske bithane ke liye.

Meaning : You must clean your heart if you want Lord should sit in your heart, you must withdraw your attention from worldly relationship ( gairo means the relationship with your wife, husband, mother,father all worldly relationship he has called here gair) and only setup your relationship with your Lord then only he will sit in your heart.

Like once Bulleh shah was in search of his guru to know the path of Lord, on the way in lahore he met with Shah Qadri who was planting onion crop and Bulleh shah was impressed to meet with Shah qadri and he asked him what is the way to find Lord, then Qadri Sahib told him to find lord is just to take plant from here and replant it there, meaning takes your attention out from worldly thought and replant means keep your attention inward towards the Lord. In tulsi Sahib hymn second line also explain take your attention out from your relatives and worldly thoughts and then only Lord will reside in your heart. About worldly relationship Jesus also said ( bible as per Mathew) ' I have not come here to set up peace, I have come here with sword to cut son relationship with his father, daughter relation with her mother and so on' Here jesus means to cut the relationship with sword is simplifying turning attachment into detachment. He is indicating about meditation, in meditation reaching at 4th zone your attachment will turn into detachment and you will be free from worldly relationship, Then your attention will be withdrawn from worldly relationship.

Dhayan means attention, gairo means worldly relationship (mother, father, son, wife, husband ) so when attention will be turn from attachment to detachment and you will recognize your self as a soul and your are a drop of ocean (lord) then only lord will reside in your heart.

As per jesus word Meditation 4th level works as sword which cut your all worldly relationship which are false and set up your ture relationship with Lord which is Satnam and you enter to Sachkhan where is only place for humility, No place for any religion, country, caste. At that level your heart will cleanse, your soul will become pure and to meet lord until soul will not cleanse , soul can not become one with Lord.

Tulsi Sahib also indicating to do meditation and cleanse your heart and soul if you want to meet the lord, also Tulsi sahib indicating in meditation you will reach at one stage where you will get detached from your worldly relationship and you will get only attach to the Lord and that moment you will be able to see the Lord who resides in your heart, then only the door will open of your temple which is in your heart and your will get Darshan.

Chashme dil se dekh yaha jo jo tamashe ho rahe,
Dilsita kya kya hai tere dil satane ke liye.

Here tulsi sahib explain aobut this world where you exist now is only Showbiz (Tamashe) , you are playing a role in this showbiz and the showbiz will be over one day and you have to leave, If we watch a movie and we think all is happening is true or real and we get deeply connected with movie , when we watch emotional scene we start crying as our soul is feeling that scene is true but after two and half or three hour movie will finish and all will be clearer that it was only a showbiz and we will feel we were foul who starting crying , and at the end of movie we realize it was a showbiz, similarly life is a showbiz one day it has to be over, nothing is real here, if we assume everything is real in this world our heart will be painful and we will be never happy, sometimes worldly object will make us happy but again we will be painful. So here tulsi sahib want to explain that we should do meditation regularly which will gives us understanding that this world is not real and we have to just enjoy this showbiz and leave this body so we will not suffer pain and we will free from pains but if get soaked in this tamasha (Showbiz) we will get pain, sorrows at each emotional scene of this showbiz which are not real. I have not explained above lines in nice manner but only here tulsi sahib want to explain observe our life like watching a showbiz and realizing it is mere a acting and you are only playing a role, and it will be over soon. Just play your role happily, When you reach at 4th level of meditation you will watch life with this point of view and you will be away with pain and sorrow of this unreal life.

Ek dil lakho tamnna us pai aur zyada havis,
Phir thikana hai kaha uske tikane ke liye?

In our human life we have many desire, here tulsi sahib explain if we will be filled with many desire, we will not be able to meet the lord, as we will be busy in fulfilling those desire, so if go and do our meditation regularly, it will help us to cut our desire, and slowly slowly we will be free from desire and we will be having only one desire to meet with lord and to merge with lord. Unfulfilled desire becomes frustration and even if we are able to fulfill some of the desire then also we cannot stay happy and blissful, To stay happy and blissful we need to cut the root of desire , how we can cut the root of desire through meditation only, and once desire is cut as Kabeer Sahib also mention “ Jisko koi desire hi nahi woh Shehnasha hai means a person has no desire he is a king’

In above lines Tulsi Sahib indicating to cut the desire tree and it roots through meditation and then only a place can be create where lord resides,

Nakali mandir masjido me jae sade aphosa hai,
Kudarati masjid ka sakin dukh uthone ke liye.

Now Tulsi Sahib has explained that your temple is your body, like Christ has said ‘ I am the living temple of Lord’ so go and meditate and seek the lord within yourself , you will never find lord outside in temples and mosque and churches, You can only find lord within you through meditation.

Kudarati kabe ki tu maharab me sun gaur se,
A rahi dhur se sada tere bulane ke liye.

Here tulsi Sahib explain about the meditation final stage where you listen ‘Anhad Nad’ As in guru garanth sahib it is written as Anhad nad, in kuran Kalma, in bible word and in hindu scripture Nad so we have to meditate and day by day with progress in meditation we will be able to hear the inner sound which are very peaceful and coming from the lord house, which will be make you free from you five enemies : Lust, Anger, Attachment, desire and ego, and will make you a pure drop and you can merge in to Ocean.

Kyo bhatkata phir raha tu e talashe yar me,
Rasta shah rag me hai dilvar pai jane ke liye

Here tulsi Sahib explain about there is no need to visit pilgrim, no need to go to the forest to find the lord, no need to leave your houses and stay somewhere outside or other places or go into temples , the way to meet the lord is within yourself, you only need to meditate, Shah rag means Sushumna Nadi so Tulsi Sahib ji tells to Shaik Taki that in meditation your suushumna nadi should be straight , that is the path which will take you to lord.

Murshade kamil se mil sidak aur saburi se taki.
Jo tujhe dega faham shah rag ke pane ke liye.

Here tulsi sahib explain about the perfect master, that you only need to seek for master and that master will give you the secret of Naam , that is only the way to meet the Lord, Now as god is shapeless and formless so how we can worship him, which form we should worship, now the need of perfect master, we have to worship the perfect master of our own time and follow the path told by him and contemplate on his form in meditation, for meditation Love and devotion is required so that love and devotion we have to flow on perfect master by surrendering our self to him, then only we can meet the lord. Perfect master does not mean he must be wearing some special clothes, staying in ashram or somewhere, perfect master is who , who has experience higher stages and got free from his five enemies and reached the true home, so he can share his experience and help the disciple to reach at that stage, ( To seek namdann from organization or religious center is not ture namdan) Baba fakir from Punjab has explain namdan process very simply when a person who has experienced higher stage of mediation share the secret with the disciple or seeker is ture namdaan. Now a day’s people are running to organization or religious center and state we have taken namdaan or deeksha is not true. That is again a ritual only, The ture namdan a seeker receive when he know the secret and try to get his own experience through meditation.

Goshe batin ho kushada jo kare kuch din amal.
La ilaha allahu akbar pai jane ke liye.

Here tulsi sahib explain just try for few days and you will get true knowledge of eternal home, merely listening or reading books will not help, you have to do meditation and get inner experience to trust all this and to meet the lord.

Yah sada Tulsi ki hai amil amal kar dhyan de.
Kun kuran me hai likha allahu akbar ke liye.

Here Tulsi Sahib explain that in all religious books like Kuran, bible , gita , Granth sahib , in each book it is written very clearly that through inner journey (meditation ) only you will be able to meet the lord, as Tulsi sahib has written this poem of Sheikh who was returning from kaba so he told him that Mohammed Sahib also has written about meditation is the only way to reach the house of lord.

With Love for my Master
Warm Regards


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